
Hi back to you. I wish I could say more than that like Hi, how have you been doing? How's your family? Where are you staying right now? Are you back in your house at Yew Tee? Congrats on your ORD. I know you've been waiting for this very day. I wish I was there to see you and Arvin. So what are going to do after this?

But then again, I always believe that everything happens for a reason. I trust in Him. I'm doing so much better when dealing with my feelings about you. I do dream of you sometimes. Not that I wish to dream of you. It just happened. Weirdly, I felt that the dreams about you has a meaning behind it but nah I don't want to look into it. I don't want to mess up with my head and my heart.

If I look deeply into our past, I could have hated you with all my heart but no. I still love you cause you're very special to me. If someone believe me, they would be as in love with you as I am.